Fun Fact Friday!
Did you know that bees range in size from 2milimeters (tiny stingless bee) to 39 millimeters (female leafcutter bee)!
Holy crap!
Bees play a really important part in the pollination of our crops, but more than that they are absolutely fascinating!
So here are some of the most interesting facts that I could find about them.
Male bees are born from an unfertilized egg, while females are born from a fertilized egg.
A toxin in bee stings called melittin MAY prevent HIV by creating holes in the viruses protective envelope (I am in no way a doctor, nor have I done research on this, but I hope with all of my heart that it is true!).
They use the sun as a compass, but on cloudy days they rely on polarized light to navigate (similar to how Vikings used to navigate with chunks of calcite).
Bees communicate through dancing and pheromones
Male honeybees don't have a stinger. (poor fellas)
Royal Jelly is a milky substance produced in a special gland in the worker bee's head to feed the Queen.
While bears enjoy honey, they prefer LARVAE!
The honey bee is the only insect that produces food eaten by humans
The buzz associated with bees is the sound made by their wings, which beat 11,400 times per minute.
Honey has antiseptic properties and is used as a dressing for wounds and a first aid treatment for burns and cuts.
Ok, that was 10 I know, but I am extra and bees are just so cool!
If you loved this tiny bit of information, but you are looking for more, check out the Honey Bee Conservancy for a bunch more info!
Until Next Time,
Stay Healthy