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Get Ready to Transform your ENTIRE life.

What is  Transform:20?

It is an intense 6 week, 20 minute-a-day fat burning workout to help you truly start off the new year transformed: both physically AND mentally!

With just a step (and optional weights) you will be able to scortch fat and begin transforming your entire body.

you'll work everything-- legs, upper body, glutes and core!

And the best part? This program is done in real time so you get a new workout every single day, and NO repeats. Everyone shows up, works hard together and gets it done.

Who is Transform:20 for?

Everyone! Shaun created this program for busy people with goals, but he built in modifications so you can start at your level and grow with the program!

Does this mean it will be easy? NO! Are you kidding? Just because there isn't any jumping, doesn't mean Shaun is going to go easy on you? But that's why we all love him, isn't is?


Program will be release into Beachbody on demand on 4/1.

Don't want to wait that long?! Me either! VIP Early Access packs go on sale 12/4, which gets you into the workouts starting 1/11.

You can really start your new year off on the right foot!

Start prepping with ME!

You can join me starting 12/17 as my team and I prep to begin our "TRANSFORM"ation.

I have an extra special Shaun T hybrid workout schedule specifically to help this group prepare to transform!

Want more information? Send me an email.



20 minutes per day, 6 days per week for 6 weeks

There are 3 Phases to the program:

  1. Commit

  2. Climb

  3. Conquer

Each phase gets continually harder with more complex moves, and the motivation, more impactful. Altogether, the test group has said that a good plan of action is to aim to raise your step 1 rung per phase to make it even more difficult.

Each workout has a different name:

  • Burn

  • Faster

  • Stronger

  • Powerful

  • Cut

  • Balance

Burn through Cut (aka your Monday through Friday workouts) are intense.

You will be doing lots of fast feet movements up and down the step (think Speed 1.0/2.0 from T25 with a step), to lots of pushups, lots of burpees, and lots of abs. You are going to be so busy that you won't have time to stop for water!

IF you only have 20 minutes you need to maximize your efforts Right!?!  This is exactly WHY I will suggest combining your pre-workout ENERGIZE with your during workout HYDRATE, because you will not have time for water unless you pause Shaun T during the workout. 

Balance incorporates stretching, lighter cardio, and strength work. Balance is the perfect ending to the week.

Each workout has 3 “Transformers.”

A Transformer is a move timed for ONE minute where you have to push yourself to complete as many reps as possible. Afterward you track these in the Transformation Trackers. They really do measure your improvements week-to-week, and you will be so excited to see how you progress.  More importantly for me, just as much as I like to see the scale go down, strength to go up… I also like to see my endurance and speed increasing like a true athlete.


Dry-Erase Wall Calendar

The dry-erase wall calendar will allow you to track your workouts and your Transformers on a daily basis.

Transformation Tracker Sheets

One of the most important aspects of Transform: 20 is tracking your progress — physically, mentally, emotionally.

Overall your goal should be to see a huge difference not only in your fitness and health but your overall mindset as well.  

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